Fakultät für Architektur und Bauingenieurwesen

Publikationen von Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Goldack, Arndt

Reviewed Journal Papers

Syed, A.; Goldack, A. (2023):
Slenderness limit for GFRP reinforced concrete columns based on axial force ratio. In: Engineering Structures, Volume 298, 1 January 2024, 117026, ISSN 0141-0296, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.117026.

Alraie, A.; Garg, N.; Matsagar, V.; Goldack, A.; Schlaich, M. (2022):
Pseudo-Ductility Through Progressive Failure of Multi-Layered Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Prestressed Concrete Beams. In: Structural Engineering International, pages 1-16, DOI: doi.org/10.1080/10168664.2022.2056863

Chehrazi, A.; Walbridge, S.; Mohareb, S.; Goldack, A.; Schlaich, M. (2020):
Probabilistic Fretting Fatigue Analysis of Bridge Stay Cables at Saddle Supports. In: Structural Engineering International, 30:4, pages 571-579, DOI: 10.1080/10168664.2019.1661332

Goldack, A.; Schlaich, M.; Meiselbach, M. (2016):
Stress ribbon bridges - the mechanics of the stress ribbon on the saddle. In: J. Bridge Eng., 2016, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000869

Simon, P.; Goldack, A.; Narasimhan, S. (2015):
Mode Shape Expansion for Lively Pedestrian Bridges through Kriging. In: J. Bridge Eng., DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000874

Sadhu, A.; Goldack, A.; Narasimhan, S. (2015):
Ambient Modal Identification using Multi-Rank Parallel Factor Decomposition. In: J. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, Volume 22, Issue 4,  pages 595–614, April 2015, DOI: 10.1002/stc.1706.

Sadhu, A.; Narasimhan, S.; Goldack, A. (2014):
Decentralized Modal Identification of a Pony Truss Pedestrian Bridge using Wireless Sensors. In: J. Bridge Eng., 19(6), 04014013, http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/ (ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000552

Goldack, Arndt (2012):
Tragverhalten von hohen Stahlbetontürmen für Aufwindkraftwerke. In: Bautechnik 89 (3), S. 162-172. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/bate.201101546

Schlaich, M.; Goldack, A.; Nier, M. (2012):
Die mehrfeldrige Spannbandbrücke Slinky Springs to Fame in Oberhausen. In: Stahlbau 81 (2012), Heft 2, S. 108 - 115

Schenkel, M.; Goldack, A.; Schlaich, J.; Kraft, S. (2010):
Die Gänsebachtalbrücke, eine integrale Talbrücke der DB AG auf der Neubaustrecke Erfurt-Leipzig/Halle. In: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 105 (2010), Heft 9, S. 590-598

Conference papers

Mueller, N.; Goldack, A.; Anders, S. (2023):
Fracture Properties of Concrete in compression – Determination of a “Compressive Fracture Energy” using Digital Image Correlation Technique. In: FraMCoS-11, 11th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures

Mohseni, S.; Goldack, A. (2023):
Verification of reinforced concrete D-regions designed with strut-and-tie models by nonlinear FE-Methods. In: Proceedings of the IABSE Congress 2023, New Delhi

Syed, A.; Goldack, A. (2023):
Effect of Slenderness on the Design of FRP reinforced Concrete Columns. In: Proceedings of the IABSE Congress 2023, New Delhi

Hasler, C.; Goldack, A. (2020):
Three-dimensional FEM calculation of stress ribbons on saddles, in Proceedings of the Footbridge Conference 2020, Madrid, pending due to Covid-19, but online available

Goldack, A.; Wehr, F.; Harte, R. (2019):
Internal Section Forces of Industrial Chimneys Under Wind Load Using the Semi-Membrane Theory, International Symposium on Industrial Construction and Cooling Towers, Edinburgh, October 9-12, 2019

Schlaich, M.; Apitz, A.; Goldack, A. (2018):
Form optimized CFRP reinforced and post-tensioned integral concrete bridge using precast girders. In Conference proceedings of 40th IABSE Symposium, 19-21 September 2018, Nantes, France, pp. S2-17 – S2-24.

Liu, Y.; Goldack, A.; Schlaich, M.; Hückler, A. (2018):
Shrinkage behavior of fiber-reinforced Polymer grid reinforced infra-lightweight concrete. 9th International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE 2018), Paris, 17-19 July 2018

Osman Letelier, J. P.; Goldack, A.; Schlaich, M.; Lordick, D.; Grave, J. (2017):
Shape optimization of concrete shells with ruled surface geometry using line geometry. In: Proceedings of the IASS Conferenc 2017, Hamburg

Goldack, A.; Jansen, A.; Narasimhan, S. (2017):
Time-frequency-based analysis of pedestrian induced vibration using a two-step clustering approach. In: Proceedings of the Footbridge 2017 Conference Berlin.

Mohareb, S.; Goldack, A.; Walbridge, S. (2017):
Fretting Fatigue Analysis of Bridge Stay Cables at Saddle Supports using Multiaxial Stress-Based Approaches. In: Proceedings of the IABSE Symposium Vancouver.

Mohareb, S.; Goldack, A.; Schlaich, M., Walbridge, S. (2017):
Effect of Relative Displacement of Strands Bent over Circular Saddles on Fatigue Life under Fretting Conditions. In: Proceedings of the fib Symposium Maastricht.

Liu X.; Schauer T.; Goldack A.; Bleicher, A.; Schlaich, M. (2016):
Accelerometer-based estimation and modal velocity feedback vibration control of a stress-ribbon bridge with pneumatic muscles. In: Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control & 12th International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics (MOVIC & RASD 2016), University of Southampton, 2016.

Mohareb, S.; Goldack, A.; Schlaich, M. (2016):
Contact stress of bending stiff members bent over cicular saddles. In: Proceedings of the 19th IABSE Congress Stockholm.

Kundoo, A.; Schlaich, M.; Goldack, A. (2015):
Ferrocement solutions for affordable housing prototypes in India. In: Ferro-11, 11th International Symposium on Ferrocement and Textile Reinofrced Concret, 3rd ICTRC,  Rilem Publications S.A.R.L., ISBN 978-2-35158-152-0, pp. 365 – 374.

Meinhardt, C.; Goldack, A. (2014):
Dynamic response of lightweight bridges and control strategies to reduce deck accelertions. In: Proceedings of Footbridge 2014.

Simon, P.; Goldack, A.; Sadhu, A.; Narasimhan, S. (2014):
Mises: A new Modal Idenification Tool for pedestrian bridges. In: Proceedings of Footbridge 2014.

Sadhu, A.; Goldack, A.; Narasimhan, S. (2014):
Modal identification of flexible structures using improved multivariate empirical mode decomposition. In: Proceedings of Footbridge 2014.

Sadhu, A.; Goldack, A.; Narasimhan, S. (2014):
Blind Modal Identification of a Pedestrian Bridge under narrowband disturbances. In: Proceedings of Eurodyn 2014.

Liu, Y.; Lenz, T.; Goldack, A.; Schlaich, M. (2013):
Study on the flexural behaviour of CFRP-grid reinforced concrete one-way slabs. In: Proceedings of the Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures, Melbourne.

Schlaich, M.; Goldack, A.; Fackler, T. (2013):
New bridges of the Deutsche Bahn: integral and semi-integral railway bridges for high speed trains. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International fib – Conference, Mumbai

Goldack, A.; Schlaich, M. (2012):
Integral Railway Bridges for High Speed Trains – from Conceptual Design to Construction by the example of the Gaensebachtal Bridge. In: Life-cycle and Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems - Strauss, Frangopol & Bergmeister (Eds), Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-62126-7.

Keil, A.; Wenger, P.; Goldack, A. (2012):
Design of semi-integral and integral high-speed railway bridges – Experiences with the Gruben Viaduct and Gaensebach Viaduct. In: Thinking in Structural Engineering – Recent Achievements, IABSE Conference 2012, Sharm el-Sheikh.

Schlaich, M. Goldack, A.; Burkhardt, U. (2011):
Yamuna-Brücke in Indien. In: Brückenbau, 1/2011, S. 6-11, Verlagsgruppe Wiederspahn, Wiesbaden, ISSN 1867-643X

Goldack, A. (2011):
Natural frequencies and mode shapes of towers for solar updraft power plants. In: Eurodyn 2011, Leuven, Belgium, ISBN 978-90-760-1931-4

Schlaich, J.; Keil, A.; Fackler, T.; Weissbach, M.; Goldack, A. (2010):
German railway bridges – new paths of conceptual design. In: Large Structures and Infrastructures for Environmentally Constrained and Urbanised Areas, IABSE Conference, Venice 2010. DOI: 10.2749/222137810796024367

Magalhäes, F.; Cunha, A.; Caetano, E.; Butz, C.; Goldack, A. (2006):
Output-only Modal Identification of Lively Footbridges. In: IABMAS  06, Porto, 2006

Butz, C.; Magalhäes, F.; Cunha, A.; Caetano, E.; Goldack, A. (2005):
Experimental Characterization of the dynamic behaviour of lively footbridges. In: Footbridge 2005, Second International Conference

Bögle, A.; Wagner, R.; Goldack, A. (2000):
Morphology of Structural Form – a Contribution to Conceptual Design. In: Proceedings Structural Morphology Group, IASS, Delft, Niederlande

Reineck, K.-H.; Greiner, S.; Goldack, A. (2002):
Cantilever Beams. p. 125-139 in: Hardjasaputra, H.; Tumilar, S. (2002) (editors): Model Penunjang dan Pengikat (Strut-and-Tie Model) Pada Perancangan Struktur Beton, Universitas Pelita Harapan-Press, Jakarta, August 2002

Books/Chapters in Books

Bergner, H.; Goldack, A.; Volz, H. (2022):
10 A Tragwerksentwurf und Vorbemessung. In: Schneider Bautabellen für Architekten – Entwurf – Planung – Ausführung. Hrsg: Albert, A.; Heisel, J.; Reguvis Fachverlag, Köln, pp 10.1-10.38, ISBN 973-3-8462-1315-5 

Goldack, A.; Schlaich, M.:
aktiv und wandelbar: Zukünftige Bewegungsstrategien. In: New MOVE von Autor/en: Michael Schumacher, Luis Arturo Cordón Krumme, Michael-Marcus Vogt, ISBN: 3035613605, Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH, S. 40-41

Keil, A. (Hrsg.); Goldack, A., Linden, S.; Sander, C. (2012
Fußgängerbrücken. Beitrag zur Dynamik von Fußgängerbrücken. Detail Praxis, S. 10,11,19-15. ISBN 978-3-920034-63-8

Other Publications

Goldack, A.; Schlaich, J.; Schenkel, M.; Vehlow, A.; Lies, S. (2014):
Die Gänsebachtalbrücke - Eine innovative Eisenbahntalbrücke in integraler Bauweise für den Hochgeschwindigkeitseisenbahnverkehr. In: VDI-Bautechnik Jahresaugabe 2014/2015, pp. 71 – 80.

Keil, A. (Hrsg.); Goldack, A., Linden, S.; Sander, C. (2012):
Fußgängerbrücken. Beitrag zur Dynamik von Fußgängerbrücken. Detail Praxis, S. 10,11,19-15. ISBN 978-3-920034-63-8

Heinemeyer, C.; Butz, C.; Keil, A.; Schlaich, M.; Goldack, A.; Lukić, M.; Chabrolin, B.; Lemaire, A.; Martin, P.; Cunha, A.; Caetano, E (2010):
Design of Lightweight Footbridges for Human Induced Vibrations - Background document in support to the implementation, harmonization and further development of the Eurocodes. JRC-ECCS 2009, Luxemburg, ISBN 978-92-79-13387-9.

Caetano, E.; Cunha, A.; Feldmann, M.; Galanti, F.; Goldack, A.; Hechler, O.; Heinemeyer, C.; Hicks, S.; Keil, A.; Lucic, M.; Obiala, R.; Smith, A.; Waarts, P. (2008):
Human induced vibration of steel structures (HIVOSS),Final Report,, www.stb.rwth-aachen.de/projekte/2007/HIVOSS/download.php, RFS2-CT-2007-00033

Butz, C.; Caetano, E.; Cunha, A.; Feldmann, M.; Goldack, A.; Heinemeyer, C.; Keil, A.; Schlaich, M.; Sedlacek, G.(2006):
Advanced load models for synchonous pedestrian excitation and optimised design guidelines for steel foot bridges (SYNPEX), Final Report, Research fund for coal and steel, RFS-CR-03019.

Goldack, A. (2004):
Tragverhalten und Aussteifung hoher Stahlbetonröhren für Aufwindkraftwerke, Diss., Uni. Stuttgart.

Schlaich, J.; Reineck, K.-H.; Goldack, A. (1997):
Zur Bemessung von Konstruktionsbeton mit Stabwerkmodellen und zur Weiterentwicklung der Normen für die Praxis nach 2000. S. 425-447. In: Materialmodelle und Methoden zur wirklichkeitsnahen Berechnung von Stahlbeton- und Spannbetonbauteilen. Festschrift Mehlhorn. Hrsg.: F. Blaschke; G. Günther und J. Kollegger. Fachbereich Bauingenieurwesen, Gesamthochschule Kassel. September 1997, ISBN 3-88-122-903-5